Camp NaNoWriMo: April 2013

Camp NaNoLooking at the writing goals I’ve set for myself, I have quite a few projects I want to see completed in 2013.  Writing a book can be a mostly lonely and autonomous process if you allow it
to be.  That’s why a lot of authors ban together in supportive groups, either as critique partners, writing partners, or join online writing communities.  Who else can understand your
frustration when your characters decide to boldly go down paths you didn’t lead them, but are helpless to stop?   Who else will understand the pain of having to trash a manuscript you’ve spent over a year and 80k + words on because (to quote Keith Sweat) “Something, something just ain’t right”?

That’s where your support group comes in.  To that end, I decided to participating in the April Camp NaNoWriMo last month with one of my critique partners.  I have a few deadlines approaching in Qtr 2  and I figured this would give me a good head start on those.

And today is Day 1 of camp! No fooling! (bad joke, I know, but hey, it’s Monday.  You get what you get out of me on a Monday) 🙂 Anywho, while Camp NaNo is a bit more flexible than regular NaNoWriMo, I plan to use it to get at least 60% through my new UF that I’ve spent the last month brainstorming, tearing apart, rebuilding, and tearing apart again.  Oh yeah, this is going to be some fun writing this one!!! (<–that’s my sarcasm speaking, just in case you had trouble picking up on that :-))

Anywho, Day 1 awaits me. I have words to produce!







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