Another One

SnoopyReceived my 2nd rejection on my contemp IR romance this week. I expected as much, but it still smarts a bit.

The silver lining to this cloud (this thunder cloud that is WFF) is that I’ve been getting revision ideas to implement on the overhaul revision round.  I’m been second guessing myself because the changes (not to the plot, but the actual timing of things) is major.  To implement, it will cause me to let go of 2 ideas that have been with me for 2 years with this wip–translation: not an easy feat.

But, this rejection is making me feel better about implementing them.


Comments 2

  1. Jus Accardo

    One day, I opened my email to seven rejections. I was pretty bummed, but a friend said this: Look at it this way, now your seven rejections closer to finding that perfect agent.
    It takes a lot of guts to query!
    .-= Jus Accardo´s last blog ..The Wednesday Poll Dance =-.

    31 March, 2010
  2. Stacey

    Hey Tessa,
    I’ve been reading your last several posts and I’m bracing myself for similar experiences. What did you do with your rejection letter? I have these visions/nightmares of papering a wall with them….

    I’m in the editing phase of my manuscript now – I have a little reworking to do in a couple of chapters – and then I’ll be sending out submission packages for the first time. I AM TERRIFIED. I just ordered the latest Writer’s Market and am on the brink of starting my research on who to send to. Again, TERRIFIED.

    Thanks for sharing your experiences in this process and good luck. I love your blog!

    9 April, 2010